GLOSSARY OF TERMS SHOW DESCRIPTION In the series’ two-hour premiere (January 1995), the Starship U.S.S. Voyager was propelled into the far reaches of the galaxy known as the Delta Quadrant by an entity called the “Caretaker.” This region of space is so distant that, even at warp speeds, it would take nearly 70 years to return home to the Alpha Quadrant. Two diverse crews - Starfleet and Maquis - are joined together to explore this distant part of space and find a way home. STARSHIP U.S.S. VOYAGER An intrepid-class vessel capable of holding 200 crew members, the Starship U.S.S. Voyager is one of the fastest and most powerful starships in Starfleet. Although it is smaller in size than the U.S.S. Enterprise, Voyager is more technologically advanced than previous Star Trek vessels, and can operate independently for approximately three years without refueling. Superbly equipped for exploration and research, Voyager has an equally impressive array of offensive and defensive weapons, making it ready for action. DELTA QUADRANT Little is known about this quadrant of the Milky Way galaxy, as its closest point is approximately 40,000 light-years from the Federation. Various species reside in this region, including the menacing Borg. BORG An immensely powerful race of cybernetic humanoids that inhabit the Delta Quadrant. Each Borg is connected to a sophisticated subspace communications network, forming the Borg Collective. For the Borg, individuality is a meaningless concept. The newest addition to the VOYAGER cast, Seven of Nine, was severed from the Collective (as seen in Episode #169, “Scorpion, Part II”), forcing her to remain on Voyager and adapt to human society. MAQUIS A group of resistance fighters considered outlaws by the Federation and Cardassia. These fighters range from colonists to former Starfleet officers. Some call the Maquis heroes, while others accuse them of adding to the mounting tension in the region. ENGINEERING Engineering is the home of the Starship U.S.S. Voyager’s warp drive system, which is a more advanced and efficient system than its predecessors. The advanced warp core, powered by dilithium crystals, allows Voyager to exceed the warp speed limit, without polluting the space continuum. SICKBAY Sickbay is a fully-equipped medical facility, and the home of the brilliant, but fussy, Doctor. A holographically projected computer program, the Doctor was devised by Starfleet for activation in medical emergencies. He is capable of the same medical procedures as a “living” doctor and with the help of a portable holographic emitter (as seen in Episode #151, “Future’s End, Part II”), the Doctor has the freedom to exist outside the confines of Sickbay. HOLODECK This fantasy experience for crew members duplicates almost any environment or activity with startling reality. Since the Starship U.S.S. Voyager is currently stranded in an unfamiliar part of the galaxy, many crew members use the Holodeck for recreation purposes in their free time. # # #